26 January 2011

Salmon lover

Hmm.. I haven't done a food post for a while ^_^. Yesterday I went to Gauchos- a grill restaurant in Amsterdam. Ahh I haven't been there for a while but the food was nice as always ♥. I ordered a piece of salmon with french fries while the rest of the group took spareribs xD lol.. I'm not really a meat lover hehehehe..

I LOVE to eat SALMON! Sashimi or grilled salmon; they are both yummy ♥ and I can eat this every day!
I went with a couple of friends [5 people in total] ^o^. Jolanda (left) & Weiyi (right). We didn't take a group picture >.<" forgot to do that~
The rest of the group ordered spareribs ^_^. (Woops blurry picture the lightning sucked =[)
I highly recommend this restaurant if you want to eat some western food in Holland :). You can eat spareribs for 18 euros and it's all you can eat ^_^, great deal right? More info about this restaurant can be found at: http://www.gauchosgrill.nl (Dutch website)


  1. That does sound good, might check it out soon haha.
    I Prefer fish over meat though I love both... the fish isnt all you can eat right?...

  2. @Stix, nope only the spareribss.. xD hahaha. I was extremely full after I ate salmon and french fries @_@

  3. wheeeee i love salmon. yum!

  4. @Fruity lashes, yayyyy <3 another salmon lover hihi

  5. ahh, i loooove salmon, and that one looks sooooo good:D

  6. yummy salmon! It looks so yummy!
    Thank you for following me, I can't believe I never discovered your blog till now! *followed* haha,
    Christina, Love from England (:

  7. Aaaaaah ik ben zo'n harde zalmfan :D Vind het ook lekker in alle soorten en maten. Krijg ook spontaan trek van deze foto, haha.

  8. Zalm = LOVE!
    Ik zou echt elke dag vis eten...

  9. ZALM <3

    In Barcelona hadden wij voor 10 euro bij zo'n sushibar gegeten. All you can eat of course! Het was super nomnom <3

  10. @Christina, thanks for following =D haha..

    @Mei, yayy high 5 xD hahaha..

    @Bibi, ik ook o_o" maar helaas is 1-2 x per week genoeg voor je.. anders heb je weer te veel vette vis op xD

  11. @Sam, O-M-G. 10 euro o_o"? all you can eat?? sushi nog well =P omg.. !! ik wil ook xD !!

  12. I LOVE salmon, I think it's my favorite fish. I everything from the salmon flavor to it's fun salmon color ^^

  13. Aaaaaah ik ben zo'n harde zalmfan :D Vind het ook lekker in alle soorten en maten. Krijg ook spontaan trek van deze foto, haha.

  14. That does sound good, might check it out soon haha.
    I Prefer fish over meat though I love both... the fish isnt all you can eat right?...

  15. ahh, i loooove salmon, and that one looks sooooo good:D

  16. @Fruity lashes, yayyyy <3 another salmon lover hihi


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