09 April 2015

A Brand New Blog Design

Memorable Days has a brand new design. Yes, that is right, it was time for a change. I was getting tired of the old layout and I wanted something more mature. A new logo has created and a fresh new look. I've always wanted a clean layout which is also easy to navigate, et voilĂ ! Have you seen the useful navigation bar at the top, the popular posts in the right sidebar and the little arrow on the right when you scroll down that brings you to the top again. You can also read my old posts easily now by clicking on "previous post" at the bottom, there is an "other posts you might like" section right above the comment section and you can always keep up on my instagram pictures at the bottom of the page. As you can see, many things has changed.

It changed in a good way.

I'm really loving this layout, but it's not perfect yet in my opinion so you might see some changes in the coming weeks. 

To be honest, I've been struggling about the content on my blog for a while. Shall I write about asian beauty only or do you girls like to read about other stuff like, fashion, food and/or travel as well? I have a slight feeling that most of you are here for my beauty posts. However, to get a good view of what you like to read the most on my blog, I've created two polls below. Feel free to vote, and you are able to choose more than 1 option per question. (it's anonymous)

What do you like to read the most on my blog?

Asian skincare posts
Asian make up posts
Asian product release posts
Other beauty posts than asian
Fashion posts
Peek into my life posts
All of the above
Please Specify:

What would you like to see more?

Asian skincare reviews
Asian make up reviews
Asian product release posts
European/American beauty posts
Fashion posts
Food posts
Peek into my life posts
All of the above
Please Specify:
Thank you for voting! I hope you will like the change and keep on enjoying reading my posts. Share your thoughts about the new look in the comment section below. If there are any errors or things that you don't like, please let me know.



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