Have you tried these masks yet? Share your experience/ review of these products in the comments section :)

4 different kinds of beauty sheet masks

Apple polyphenol mask, Cooling mask, Pearl Powder mask, Natto mask
I found this list on the internet, its quite handy. With this you know which mask you will need, too bad this isn't the whole collection. There are 16 different kinds of sheet masks of this brand, go check out there website: http://www.beautydiary.com.tw/en. According to their website, the black pearl mask seems to be the best, followed by the Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask and Pearl Powder mask. *sigh too bad that these masks aren't for sale in Holland, otherwise I would buy a bunch of them and try them all T_T darn. It's a bit more expensive if you buy it on sasa or ebay. I still haven't tried these masks yet, I can't wait to try it!!! The reviews will come later ^_^, since I'm still busy with school it will be next month, so stay tuned~ Click on the picture to enlarge.